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The Shawshank Redemption quotes

 For 23 years, "The Shawshank Redemption" is considered as the greatest film of all time and the highest rated film on IMDb. It is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont. It tells the story of banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), who is sentenced to life in Shawshank State Penitentiary for the murder of his wife and her lover, despite his claims of innocence Over the following two decades, he befriends a fellow prisoner, contraband smuggler Ellis "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), and becomes instrumental in a money laundering operation led by the prison warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton). William Sadler, Clancy Brown, Gil Bellows, and James Whitmore appear in supporting roles. In this article, we will take a look at all the best quotes in this cinematic masterpiece.

Warden Samuel Norton : I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.

Andy Dufresne : It's funny. On the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Get busy living, or get busy dying.That's god-damn right.

Andy Dufresne : Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : hope is a dangerous thing my friend,it can kill a man ...

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight. I wish I could tell you that... But prison is no fairy tale world.

Warden Samuel Norton : [returning bible containing rock hammer back to Andy] Salvation lies within.

Andy Dufresne : there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. there's something inside they cant touch.
Andy Dufresne : Forget that... there are places in this world that aren't made out of stone.
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : what are you talking about?
Andy Dufresne : hope.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : King me.
Andy Dufresne : Ah chess.. now theres a game of kings, knights, strategy ...
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : And a total fucking mystery. I hate it!

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : In prison, a man'll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Every man's got a breaking point.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't wanna know. I would like to think they were singing about some thing was so beautiful it cant be expressed in words and make your heart ache because of it.I tell you this voice soared higher and farther than anybody in a Gray place dares to dream it is like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away. For the briefest moment every last man in Shawshank felt free.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : He had enough rocks to keep him busy till Rapture.

Andy Dufresne : I don't waste time on losers, Tommy.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Sometimes it makes me sad, though... Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Andy dufresne, the man who crawled through 500 yards of shit and came out clean the other end.

Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : I remember thinking it would take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. Andy did it in less than 20.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : That was the longest night of my life.

Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it really takes, pressure and time. That and a big damn poster.

1967 Parole Hearings Man : You feel you've been rehabilitated?
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Rehabilitated. Let's see now. You know, come to think of it, I have no idea what that means.
1967 Parole Hearings Man : Well, it means you're ready to rejoin society as?
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : I know what you think it means. Me, I think it's a made-up word, a poli- tician's word. A word so young fellas like you can wear a suit and tie and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?
1967 Parole Hearings Man : well, are you?
Ellis Boy "Red" Redding : Not a day goes by I don't feel regret, and not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, this old man is all that's left, and I have to live with that. (beat) Rehabilitated? That's a bullshit word, so you just go on ahead and stamp that form there, sonny, and stop wasting my damn time. Truth is, I don't give a shit.

Warden Samuel Norton : It's a up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

The story of the four students

 There were four friends who hated studying. They partied all night before their exams and planned to skip the test by lying to the professor. So they went to the dean and told him that they had been to a wedding the previous night and on their way back, they had a flat tire. They continued to say that they had to push the car all the way back, as they didn’t have a spare tire and hence, were not in a position to write the exam.

 The dean listened and agreed to let them take the test on a later date. Happy that they got a second chance, the four friends studied hard and were ready for the exam. On exam day, the dean asked the students to sit in separate classrooms, which the students agreed to.

 The examination paper had only two questions, for a total of 100 marks. The questions were thus:

1.  Your name ?
2.  Which tire of the car burst ? a) Front left b) Front right c) Rear left d) Rear right

 The moral of this story is that you may be smart, but there are people smarter than you in the world.

The sad old man

 An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.

 The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous were his words. People avoided him, because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him. The old man e created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

 But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumour: "An old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up."

 The whole village gathered together and one of them asked the old man "What happened to you ?"

 "Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now." The old man replied.

In short, don’t chase happiness and enjoy your life.

Top inspiritional quotes & sayings by Eleanor Roosevelt

 Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt. She is the first lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945, was then a diplomat for the United Nations. She was, in her day, one of the most admired and powerful women in the world. In this article, we will take a look at the most inspirational quotes by this strong women.

"You must do the things you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Work is always an antidote to depression." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says, ‘It can’t be done." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Anger is one letter short of danger." - Eleanor Roosevelt

“The mind must be trained, rather than the memory." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"I never waste time looking back." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"No man is defeated without until he has first been defeated within." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray you twice, it’s your fault." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Before we can make friends with anyone else, we must first make friends with ourselves." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Choose a challenge instead of competence." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"All of life is a constant education." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"It seems to me of great importance to teach children respect for life." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"If you lose money you lose much, If you lose friends you lose more, If you lose faith you lose all." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt

“A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"I’m so glad I never feel important, it does complicate life !" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Hate and force cannot be in just a part of the world without having an effect on the rest of it." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful." - Eleanor Roosevelt

The best respect quotes and respect sayings that will help you to be a respectful person

 Respect is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard; it conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities; and it is also the process of honoring someone by exhibiting care, concern, or consideration for their needs or feelings. So what should you do to gain the respect of others ? That is why we will all know in this article some famous quotes and sayings about respect.

"He who wants a rose must respect the thorn." Persian Proverb

"We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful." Taylor Swift

"If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable." Louis D. Brandeis 

"We learned about gratitude and humility – that so many people had a hand in our success, from the teachers who inspired us to the janitors who kept our school clean… and we were taught to value everyone’s contribution and treat everyone with respect." Michelle Obama

"Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." Leo Tolstoy

"Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power." Clint Eastwood

"Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear." Albert Camus

"I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them." Herbert H. Lehman 

"Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts ?" Confucius

"Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you've got to give it." R.G. Risch

"I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being." Jackie Robinson 

"Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given." Hussein Nishah

"Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized." Albert Einstein 

"Respect other people’s feelings. It might mean nothing to you, but it could mean everything to 
them." Roy T. Bennett  

"If you have some respect for people as they are, you can be more effective in helping them to become better than they are." John W. Gardner

"If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you." Fyodor Dostoyevsky

"We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion. This isn't a matter of political correctness. It's a matter of understanding what makes us strong. The world respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our openness and the way we respect every faith.Barack Obama

"Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.Laurence Sterne 

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." Bryant H. McGill

"Respecting someone indicates the quality of your personality." Mohammad Sakhi 

The elephant rope story

 One day, a gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.

 As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused as to why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead, they didn’t try to at all.

 Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape.

 The trainer replied "when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free."

 The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was that over time they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.

 This short story give us a very good moral about one of the most important keys to success that anyone must have to achieve his goals, it is a constant belief that we have the ability to do what we dream. So no matter how much the world tries to hold you back, always continue with the belief that what you want to achieve is possible. Believing you can become successful is the most important step in actually achieving it.

